
Fought with my notebook all day long. So annoying. But now, I'm totally satisfied with the result. It's so adorable and cute.. <3 just take a look.

Click on it <3

See you. Myu <3

Driver's Licence.

Tomorrow I'll have my practical driving test. I'm not that nervous at the moment - I think it'll come tomorrow morning. Wish me luck~

Anyway. There's nothing new. I'm waiting for my haircolors, cause I want to dye my hair, but I'm going to write its own entry. Also, I'm waiting for some new piercings. I want to change them. Got my snakebites. Finally!

So sleepy all the time.

See you! Myu <3

Short update.

This is just a quick update of myself. I'm quite busy thins week. Finish my driver's licence and study for some important exams. Thankfully tomorrow will be the last one. Hope your week is not as stressful as mine!

Studying for biology.

Stay tuned. Myu <3

New Layout.

Finally got a new layout.. after quite a long time! I wasn't really satisfied with the look, but now it's so much better. I have to do some little changes here and there.. but for now it's totally okay.

Stay tuned~ Myu <3